Bankruptcy Lawyer Marketing

In the legal industry, bankruptcy law is one of the few specialties that is considered recession-proof. But in order to maximize your reach, bankruptcy lawyer marketing is crucial.

With a thoughtfully conceived marketing strategy, you will find it easier to reach and attract prospective clients. You will be able to effectively communicate your brand message to the right market through targeted messaging. A well-executed bankruptcy lawyer marketing campaign ensures your message resonates with the people who need your services – whether it’s for Chapter 7, 11 or 13 bankruptcy, or something similar.

The best way to accomplish this, of course, is to partner with a reputable and experienced bankruptcy lawyer marketing firm that can expertly guide you through the process – from the planning stage through to evaluating each campaign for effectiveness.

The Value of Working With Bankruptcy Lawyer Marketing Experts

Working with professional bankruptcy lawyer marketers means partnering with people who know your legal specialty inside-out. Bankruptcy lawyers deal with delicate financial matters, so every single message you send out during each campaign needs to take into consideration the sensitivity angle of bankruptcy cases.

To communicate how well you know your practice areas – that is, straight or Chapter 7 (and Chapter 11 and 13) bankruptcy, credit card debt, foreclosure, etc. – and convey your concern for the plight of your audience, you need a marketing partner that not only can craft content that speaks to your prospects but also has a deep understanding of the digital marketing landscape.

And while there are plenty of bankruptcy lawyer marketing tools you can try, there are specific strategies you can adopt that are in line with your legal specialties.

Google Ads for Bankruptcy Lawyers

Anyone who has studied the digital marketing landscape knows how powerful Google Ads is. With the help of a bankruptcy lawyer marketing team, you’ll learn how to gradually gain dominance in the search results page of Google starting with paid ads. You’ll find out how you can make use of paid traffic to supplement organic search engine optimization (SEO) traffic. You’ll develop a deep understanding and appreciation for keywords and how you can use these for dynamic keyword insertion. 

You’ll also know how geotagging works to match very specific long-tail keywords for users looking to match their legal requirement to their location, such as “bankruptcy lawyer free consultation California.”

Google Ads is so effective – it’s no wonder that it's known to be the single most popular pay-per-click (PPC) advertising system in the world. There are two key features you may want to explore in Google ads:

• Dynamic display ads: These allow websites to dynamically display ads to users based on data about the users' product interests or based on web content. Essentially, dynamic display ads show personalized content across the Google Display Network so your ad can potentially appear in millions of websites.

• Remarketing: Sometimes called “retargeting,” remarketing happens when a person who visited your website keeps seeing display ads for your law firm while conducting other searches or while visiting other websites. In effect, potential clients can get drawn back to your website and may end up reaching out to you, as remarketing ads will follow them all over the Internet.

With the help of a bankruptcy lawyer marketing service, you can maximize Google Ads to ensure your law firm and the services you offer remain top-of-mind among your prospective clients.

Social Media Marketing

Everyone seems to be on social media, including law firms. Social media marketing is a great vehicle for building trust and establishing familiarity with your brand. More importantly, social media can help you connect and engage with your clients on a simple and neutral platform.

For example, if you utilize the reviews feature on Facebook, prospective clients can gain insights on the caliber of your people and the quality of your work through previous stellar reviews and recommendations about your practice.

You can also use social media to publish content that’s relevant to bankruptcy. It can be anything from modifications in the law, bankruptcy cases or anything of human interest that’s related to your legal specialty.

By working with a bankruptcy lawyer marketing team, you’ll be able to engage your audience and increase your followers using different strategies, such as:

Monthly Postings to Facebook and Instagram: Posting one to five times a month has been shown to increase engagement by as much as 50 percent.

Paid Advertising on Facebook and Instagram: Based on reports, Facebook Video Ads and Photo Ads on Instagram are worth investing in as these are the areas where each social media platform performs well.

• Retargeting on Facebook: By making use of ad targeting on Facebook, you can reach your target audience and gain their trust whenever they are scrolling through their newsfeed. This is accomplished through the use of a tracking cookie called Facebook Pixel. So, if someone visited your bankruptcy page a few times, for example,  Facebook can then show them ads about your practice focused on bankruptcy.

New Websites

Your ads and your social media presence, as well as your practice areas, need to be designed to take users to your website where they’ll get more comprehensive information about your law firm.

Since you’re a bankruptcy law firm, you need to have informative posts on the various practice areas you specialize in. Your website should also contain information on the lawyers in your firm, as this will help in establishing trust and rapport early on.

Aside from publishing blog posts that are helpful, interesting and informative, you can also include videos of you or any of your legal staff talking about different laws related to bankruptcy as a topic.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

The dynamic field of SEO involves using web content to perform well in searches, as well as to improve your online presence or ranking. SEO takes into account various elements, such as keywords, page titles, meta descriptions, URL structuring, headlines and backlinks.

Then there’s also local SEO where the focus is on optimizing the website to perform well in local search results. For example, keywords like “bankruptcy lawyers near me” or “bankruptcy lawyer in California” should ideally yield results including your firm.

And although SEO can get quite technical, having a bankruptcy lawyer marketing service as your partner means you can maximize this tool to strengthen your brand, as well as to improve your performance and reputation online.

Digital Bankruptcy Lawyer Marketing Pros

Ready to take your online presence to the next level?

Madison Ave Media has been instrumental in the success of several law firms specializing in bankruptcy law. We’re here to listen to what you need and formulate a bankruptcy law marketing strategy designed to strengthen your brand in the digital sphere.

So, if you’re ready for more growth, contact us today.